So, you are here to know the topics of physics which are very important
in case you appear in the JEE exam. To be serious, remember one thing JEE
Main physics tests how many do you know whereas, JEE advanced wants to know
how deeply you know any simple topic.
Still, some chapters are the heart
of JEE physics.
1. Mechanics and Kinematics
You know this two topics are very5 important. But only
knowing this is not enough. I'm sure you will learn something
new after completely reading this post. Ok focus and focus on -----
1. VVI Problems including differential equations of the displacement, velocity etc.
2. Projectile motions from a height
3. And also the relative velocity and accelaration.
4. Pseudo Force concepts.
2. Magnetism
You have to emerge yourself into the 3d concepts and directions
which are followed by the magnetism quantities. Don't forget the formlae
a) torque = BNIA;
b) F = BIL ;
c) e = Blv & 1/2*Bwr2;
3. Energy conservation
Questions on the conservation of mechanical energy both translational and rotational are fantabulous. Ooh hellow, apply the conservation after thinking that is it applicable or not. Some situations loses energy in the nature, remember them. On the later posts I will try to give you some problems from all the important topics.
Last but not the least.....
The more you practice you will develope and I will
never recommend you to skip any chapters but the above
mentioned are the most important.
Thank you very much to all the readers..